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A Complete Guide To Notion Database Automations

A Complete Guide To Notion Database Automations

A Complete Guide To Notion Database Automations

A Complete Guide To Notion Database Automations

Eazypath Avatar


Thursday, November 28, 2024

Notion Database Automation is one of Notion's most underrated features. It enables you to create fully automated workflows directly within Notion. You can automatically add new pages, edit properties in your database, and even send Slack or email notifications.

Since its release nearly a year ago, the feature has continually improved with new triggers and actions added.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to create a Notion database automation, from defining the scope to executing actions. We'll also cover specific use cases and explore who can benefit from these automations.

Let's start!

A Complete Guide To Notion Database Automations
A Complete Guide To Notion Database Automations
A Complete Guide To Notion Database Automations
A Complete Guide To Notion Database Automations
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How to Create a Notion Database Automation?

You can start creating a Notion database automations by simply pressing the lightning symbol on any view of a database.

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Symbol

Once you click it, you will see a popup appear. Now let's understand how Notion automations work. You have 3 specific components:

  1. Scope: It defines whether the automation will be triggered on the entire database or on a specific view.

  2. Trigger or When: It defines the event that will start the automation, such as a new page added or a property edited.

  3. Action or Do: It defines what the automation will execute, like changing a property or adding a new page in another database.

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Automation

The first thing you will want to do is rename your automation with a comprehensive name, like the action the automation is supposed to do.

For example, if your automation automatically sets an achievement date when your status changes from "In Progress" to "Done," you can name it "Set Achievement Date."

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Automation Name

Now let's review each components.


The scope defines whether your automation will be triggered for the whole database or a specific view.

By default, the automation is always set to the entire database.

To change the scope of your automation, simply click the "For all pages" section. You will see that you have the choice between "Entire database" or "Any page in this view".

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Scope


Notion database automations have three different type of triggers:

  1. Any property edited: the automation will be triggered when any of the properties in the database is edited.

  2. Page added: the automation will be triggered when a new page is added to the database.

  3. Property: the automation will be triggered when a specific property is edited.

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Trigger

For most of the properties, they'll trigger when any edit is made to them. But for the "select," "multi-select," and "status" properties, you can be more specific. You can specify which "option" or "status" will trigger the automation.

If we take the example "Set Achievement Date," we could, for example, define the trigger as "When the status is changed to Done." So, to do so, you will select the property "Status" and then select the "Done" status.

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Trigger Done Status

Of course, an automation can have multiple triggers. Note that when you have multiple triggers, the automation considers it as an OR.

For example, you could have 2 triggers: "Page added" OR "Status set to To-do".

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Trigger OR


Now, this is where Notion database automations are becoming really powerful. When your automation is triggered, you can set various actions:

  • Edit property: edit another property on the same database.

  • Add page to: add a new page in another database.

  • Edit pages in: edit pages in another database.

  • Send notification to: send a Notion notification to a user.

  • Send email to: send an email.

  • Send Slack notification to: send a Slack notification to a channel in your configured Slack account.

  • Define variables: define custom variables you can use in other actions.

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Action

To complete the example we started before (Set Achievement Date), we will select the "Edit property" option and then choose the property "Achievement Date".

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Action Achievement Date

Here you will see several options related to a date property. Either set the date or time to the moment of the trigger, set a specific date, or use a custom formula to set a date. We will look at the custom formula part in more detail later as it's quite advanced.

For now, we will just set the property to the date triggered.

How to Create a Notion Database Automation - Action Date Trigerred

That's all! You can click on the "Create" button and your automation is ready to start!

Now, this was a really simple example to introduce you to Notion automations. In the next section, we will explore specific use cases where you can observe other types of actions and see how powerful automations can be.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations

In this section, we will see step by step some real use cases of Notion automations to try to cover most of the actions available:

  • Link an expense to a monthly report: We will link an expense item to a monthly report based on the date of the expense.

  • Send an email after a form is filled: We will send an email after a Notion form is filled out.

  • Create recurring tasks: We will create a task that repeats weekly once it has been completed.

Link an Expense to a Monthly Report

First of all, we will try to link an expense to a monthly report regarding the date of the expense.

Note that I have include this automation myself in my Finance System (view finance system).

For this, we will need two databases that we will keep simple.

Expenses database with:

  • Expense Date as a date property (Important: set this date to today by default)

  • Amount as a number property

  • Report as a relation property of the Report database

Reports database with:

  • Timeline as a date property with start and end date

  • Expenses as a relation property of the Expense database

  • Total Amount as a formula property

For the total amount you can enter the following formula:

Let's create a report of the current month. You should now have something like this:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Link an expense to a Monthly Report - Expenses and Reports databases

Now let's begin the automation. Like you know, simply press the lightning button on the Expenses database and name your automation "Set Monthly Report." Let the scope be "all pages in Expenses."

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Link an expense to a Monthly Report - Name and Scope

For the trigger, we will set it to "Page added" as we want the report to be linked when we create our expense.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Link an expense to a Monthly Report - Trigger

For the Action, we will choose the option "Edit pages in" and select the "Reports" database.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Link an expense to a Monthly Report - Action database

Now we don't want to edit all the pages inside the report database, but only the one that matches the date we create the expense. To do so, we will click on the "all pages" and set a filter like this:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Link an expense to a Monthly Report - Action Filter

To finish, we need to choose the property we will edit. We will choose the "Expenses" property, select "add" (to add the page), and choose the page we just triggered.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Link an expense to a Monthly Report - Action Edited Property

That's all! Now when you add a new expense, it will automatically linked this one to the current monthly report.

To make it better, consider setting the expense date to today by default.

Try it, wait a few seconds, and you will see your expense linked to your report.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Link an expense to a Monthly Report - Final Result

Send an Email After a Form is Filled

Now, let's try to send an email from a Notion form that has just been filled.

First of all, create a simple form that will be used, for example, to report a bug. It is important to have an email field in this form to make the automation work.

To learn how to create a form in Notion, read this article for a step-by-step guide on creating Notion forms (learn to create Notion forms).

Your form should look like this:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Send an Email After a Form is Filled - Form

Let's just start our automation. Name it "Send Confirmation Email," set the scope to "all pages," and add "Page added" as a trigger to let the automation be triggered when a form is submitted.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Send an Email After a Form is Filled - Scope and Action

For the action, you will choose the option "Send email to." There, you will probably need to connect your Gmail account to it; nothing really complicated.

Once done, you can customize your email. First, choose in the "To" field the property email to send the email to the person who just filled out the form. The rest, you can customize as you wish!

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Send an Email After a Form is Filled - Action Email

That's all! Now, when someone fills out your form, an email will be sent to confirm receipt of the inquiry.

You can try it yourself by sharing the form, copying the URL, and filling it out.

Create Recurring Tasks

The last automation we will see is creating a similar task a week after every time this one is completed.

For this, we will need one tasks database with:

  • Date as a date property

  • Completed as a checkbox property

  • Repeat as a number property

Let's create a task, for example, "Grocery," that we will repeat every week, every Wednesday. For this, we will set the date to the next Saturday and the repeat to 7 (for 7 days).

We will also set the view to a calendar view to see the automation working live.

You should have something like this:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Database

As usual, click on the lightning symbol to start creating the automation. Name it "Set Recurring Task" and set the scope to all pages in Tasks.

For the trigger, this time we will choose the option "Property", choose the "Completed" property, and set it to "checked". This way, the automation will trigger when we complete the task.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Trigger

Now let's set the action. We want to create the same task 7 days (the value of the repeat property) after we complete the task.

But first of all, I want to show you the use of variables in automations. We'll start by selecting "Define Variables" and create a variable to represent the date seven days from now. Once you have chosen the option, click on the name to rename your variable "Next Date," like so:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Action Variable

Now, click on the formula symbol and set the formula like so:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Action Variable Formula

This formula means that we will add the number of days of the repeat property of the page triggered to the date of the page triggered. This way we will have a date 7 days later.

Next, we need to create the new task. We will choose the option "Add page to" and select the "Tasks" database.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Action Add Page

First let's set the name of the new task identical of the completed task. We will use a formula for this. Click on the formula symbol and set the formula like so:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Action Add Page Name

Now we will edit the Date property by setting the value of the variable we just defined. You will find your variables among the options.

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Action Add Page Date

Finally, we will also set the repeat property of the new task identical to the repeat property of the completed task in order for our automation to continue working. Click on the formula symbol and set the formula like so:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Action Add Page Repeat

We are done! To be sure, your final automation should look like this:

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Complete Automation

Note that we could not use the defined variables option and directly set the formula in the date property. It was just to show you how to use variables as it can be really helpful if you want to reuse a formula several times.

Now, if you complete your original task, you should see a new task appear 7 days after this one (it can take a few seconds for the automation to work), and it will repeat every time you complete the task!

Specific Uses Cases of Notion Database Automations - Create Recurring Tasks - Final Result

Who Can Use Notion Database Automations?

You should know that Notion database automations are not available for everyone. Users with the Notion free plan will be able to:

  • Create Slack notifications

  • Use automations that have already been created on a template

It means that if you are not on a Notion paid plan and you purchase a template with an automation like the ones we saw before, you will still be able to run the automation, but not make any edits to it.

However if you have any of Notion paid plan you will be able to:

  • Create and edit automations

  • Run automations

  • Delete automations

In complete honesty, I think it's one of the main features why it becomes worth it to have a Notion paid plan as you can use it for many use cases. And it keeps getting better and better. The ability to define variables and the use of formulas, for example, are really new, and I'm sure they will add more features in the future.

So it may be your time to think about get a Notion paid plan!

Create your Notion account here.


Throughout this article, we've explored the power of Notion database automations, offering just a glimpse of their full potential.

I include a lot of Notion database automations in my premium templates to make them easier to use and to streamline tasks for you.

I hope this article has enhanced your understanding and you feel ready to kickstart your own creations!

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I create a Notion database automation?

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How do I create a Notion database automation?

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How do I create a Notion database automation?

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How do I create a Notion database automation?

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Are Notion database automations free?

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Are Notion database automations free?

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Are Notion database automations free?

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Are Notion database automations free?